Friday 7 November 2014

One Plane Golf Swing Fundamentals

Proper Golf Swing
One Plane Golf Swing
Golf Swing Basics
Golf Swing Drills

In his 2005 book, “The Plane Truth for Golfers,” golf instructor Jim Hardy tags almost all golf ups and downs as either “one-plane” or “two-plane” swings. In a one plane swing, a golfer’s biceps and triceps and shoulder area swing across the exact same plane. Two-plane swingers move their arms in a a lot more vertical arc,  the plane where the golf players’ shoulders rotate.


Considering that the one plane golf swing  technique doesn’t require very much hand motion, golf players should make use of a neutral or slightly stronger grip when they’re utilizing this swing, according to golf coach Sam Letourneau. Within a neutral grip for the right-handed player, the V shape created because of the thumb and first finger of your left hand points in the direction of your chin, while the V created by the thumb and forefinger of your right-hand is aimed your right shoulder. To strengthen your grip, take off your right hand through the club and turn your left-hand clockwise , so that the V shape directs toward your back shoulder. Then put your right-hand back above your left.

Also learn step by step How to grip a golf club in proper way  

Hip tilt

In order to perform a one plane golf swing, bend forward from the hips approximately thirty-five to forty degrees. If you stand too far upright and make an effort to perform a one-plane swing your swing arc will be too flat -- the club may even be close to horizontal on the backswing. To check your hip tilt, Letourneau recommends holding a golf club opposing your  upper body with the shaft moving through the line of your shoulders. Turn yourself as you would in your backswing.The termination of the club on your left side should point just beyond the ball. If it directs over  feet past the golf ball, then you’re standing overly erect. After you have founded appropriate hip tilt, be sure to maintain that tilt throughout your swing.

Back swing

In one plane golf swing, the golf player takes the golf club back once again around his body, instead of lifting if relatively straight over his head. The distinction is actually most apparent towards the top of the backswing, the place where a one-plane swinger’s left arm must stay roughly parallel to the shoulder plane -- for the right-handed golfer. Hardy reports that it’s crucial that you keep your head “relatively still” throughout a one-plane backswing.


Your arms as well as hands must begin the downswing passively. The golf player should merely shed her hands down to start the downswing, as the golfer’s hip and shoulder rotation normally swings the golf club along the similar plane it traversed regarding the backswing. Simultaneously, Hardy says you should rotate your body “as hard as possible.” But you should not drop your right shoulder, or perhaps you’re probably to swing excessively from the inside, generating in a push shot to the right of the goal.

One plane vs two plane.

Hardy does not believe that either swing type is actually better, however he strongly recommends golf players never to mix the two styles. Alternatively, choose the style which works for you, then implement either one-plane or two-plane methods regularly.

Also see  one plane golf swing

Tuesday 4 November 2014

One Plane Golf Swing

one plane golf swing

More Articles
How to Swing A Golf Club
Proper Golf Swing
Golf Swing Basics
Golf Swing Drills

The one plane golf swing is growing in popularity and is easier to perform than the two-plane golf swing as it requires less movement. Moe Norman, probably one of the most famous contemporary golfers to use the one plane golf swing, was amazingly successful with this particular golf technique. He could pound the ball consistently down the fairway about 280 yards every time he stood up to the tee using the one plane golf swing, something he named "Natural Golf." If the two-plane golf swing is performing for you, carry on using this technique. If you are having some difficulty with the two-plane swing technique, the less complicated one plane golf swing will probably be the solution for you.

Step 1

At target, place the club head behind the ball and fully expand your arms, aligning your arms with all the club shaft, so that both your arms and club tend to be on the similar plane. Bend your knee joints more as you might be standing farther away through the golf ball than you would definitely, if perhaps you were using the two-plane golf swing.

Step 2

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart for equilibrium to compensate for the longer distance in between you and the golf ball --and switch your toes outwards.


Bring your club back along with your arms in a one-piece takeaway, swinging the golf club on plane aided by the shoulders around a 45-degree angle when you get to the peak of your swing. The golf club shaft should be synchronous to the target line and your spine angle should be unchanged from your address location.


Bring your club down in your downswing, releasing your upper body first, followed by your lower body. Your downswing ought to be on the similar swing route because your backswing with arms stretched.

Step 5

Quadrate the golf club head at impact at exactly equivalent spot it was at address and complete with a full follow through.


The one plane golf swing is actually less complex technique  since there are less moving parts. Specifically for inexperienced golf players, this method is preferred because you can strike more consistent, repeatable shots with fewer hooks as well as cuts, plus it puts significantly less tension on your back.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Golf Swing Plane drills

golf swing plane drill
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More Articles
How to Swing A Golf Club
One Plane Golf Swing Fundamentals
Proper Golf Swing
One Plane Golf Swing
Golf Swing Basics
Golf Swing Drills

The thought of the golf swing plane drills is one that seems to be very complicated to most golf players, so here is a drill that we hope will shed some light on this secrets. However, don't be afraid to seek advice from your local PGA member for further assistance
Place two Tour Sticks in the ground 6 ft away from each other on an angle regular with the angle concerning your club shaft at set-up. You might now need a distinct point in your peripheral vision concerning exactly where you want the club to stay set at the midway point of the backswing. Spot a stick in front that will allow you to create the same check on your through swing, keeping your swing plane proportionate.
Hitting the sticks with either the takeaway or follow through will be an signal that you're moving the golf club excessively from in to out or out to in.

Common faults in golf swing plane drills

1. The typical reasons I notice in the golf course tend to be whenever a golf player takes the golf club too much back on the inside or too far outside on the takeaway. This particular puts your golf swing off plane immediately and then requires a number of settlement strategies to really get your golf swing back on the proper golf swing plane.
2.another  cause I see is golf players might move their upper body first on the downswing which causes the golf club to come down too steeply . Once again, this particular causes the swing to come off plane as well as leads to numerous bad golf shots including slices, pulls and extra fat shots.a
Fix Your Golf Slice In Just 10 Minutes By Learning a Simple, Yet Overlooked ‘Quick Fix’.

How to fix|resolve

To bring the best results in repairing your golf swing plane it’s ideal if you can operate in front of any mirror or even video clip your golf swing from all the way down the line. You’ll be able to notice where the club travels throughout the golf swing.
1. Ensure your takeaway comes back directly with very little wrist pause as well as continues to be on the arc of the golf swing. Allow the big muscles of the upper body and shoulder area perform most of the move.
2. Regarding the downswing make sure you drop your hands enough so the golf club remains on plane and doesn’t come down too steep. Confirm your lower body (legs) are beginning the downswing.


Having the correct golf swing plane is essential if you would like see any sort of enhancement inside golf game. If your swing plane is whether really steep or overly level then there's an excellent opportunity you are not hitting the golf ball regularly very well.
This might be obviously unless you're making some sort of adjustment to get the golf club in the right position before you make contact with the golf ball.
Getting the proper golf swing plane places you in the ideal position to square the club face at impact leading to better contact and lower scores.
Provide these golf swing plane drills a attempt before you tee off next time and I know it's going to really assist your golf game

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